wonderful way to emphasize, highlight your strengths, to make you brighter and more attractive. Knowing how to properly apply makeup, you already get half victories for the beauty of your face! In this section of the site we talk about how to properly apply makeup. After all, makeup has its stages and its machinery, be aware that just need to get your make-up turned out beautiful. So, applying make-up technique involves the following steps: 1) Application of the basic tone face, glare, powder and rouge 2) Technique of performance eye makeup: shading for the eyes, eyeliner, mascara 3) Appliances Makeup Lip: lip contour, applying lipstick, And now in more detail. 1. Any makeup begins with applying the basic tone face (make-up must begin within 5-10 minutes after completing the procedures for day care for a person to a day cream managed to penetrate the skin). The tone will even out complexion, hide small skin defects.
Begin to shape the tone of the person using the tonal framework, its color should match your natural skin color, or be a little lighter, but not darker. Tonal basis point inflict on the cheeks, nose, chin and forehead, then use the sponge to feather the tone from the center of the face. Pay particular attention to the lines of growth of hair, eyebrows, nostrils, and the contour of the chin. Also apply a little tonal framework for upper neck. After a tonal framework, we use the masking agent. Apply concealer on problem areas (pimples, dark circles, etc.) and gently blend, patting the skin fingertip.