Humans have, self-destructive nature has led them to unleash nuclear world war. It should not surprise me, I know them since they appeared on Earth, from its origins. I've been through the time studying, learning as they are, how they think. I know them better than you think to do them. A species like yours, intelligent beings, rational, capable of extraordinary achievements, as they could have done. Have achieved monumental successes in science in all its branches, mathematics, physics, chemistry, medicine, all. The same philosophy, art … In many fields throughout history have made incredible discoveries and inventions, and even managed to leave the planet traveling through space.
But his greatest achievement to his disgrace and shame, which they learned to always do better, what they spent more ingenuity, time, resources and effort, was to create weapons to kill each other. If these conditions have gotten all the good he did, if they were dedicated solely for better than the destruction, what would have been able to do? Triumphs have reached unimaginable even superior intelligence like yours. Ni them with their incredible mental potential were able even to outline all the good he could have done. But his greatest anxiety was always weaponry to annihilate. This has been since the beginning of mankind, until finally created the ultimate weapon, the hydrogen bomb. And their selfishness and greed for power have unleashed nuclear world war. Of course, the ultimate weapon was not the hydrogen bomb, the ultimate weapon against it is they were always human.