Average – sets the type of the newly created document. Third – allows to create a new document from a set of templates, standard. To create an html page you need to click in the middle column in html. Page opens with a window called main window. If you do this for the first time – get ready – it's not for the faint-hearted! A heap of buttons, menus, bars, windows – you can plunge into despair. Read more from technology investor to gain a more clear picture of the situation.
But do not worry! Understanding will come with time, especially if you almost start working on the website. Want to get more specific help? Welcome to website! Yes, but what is our main window? Let us explain briefly what it was, the main window is. Since we do not have open web page – we see a page called home. At the top is a menu called the principal. In the right pane, we see a whole group of panels for different purposes separate from the rest of the window, thick gray stripe.
This so-called docking. In the middle of the band features a bright rectangle with a triangle, clicking on which you can expand or collapse the dock. Of the panels proved to us, for the initial phase of work will need two panels Files and css. In bottom of the window is a panel called Properties (Properties). With it you can edit the properties of the generated page. In this panel is the same gray band with the same designation as the dock on the right. In the upper part of the window under the main menu shows two panels – called toolkits. Immediately under the main menu bar is visible tool called objects, which is designed for fast premises on Web-pages of different elements. Below is a panel called the tools of the document – you can use to perform various actions on open web page. Here's an editor Dreamweaver In general, if you look, no big deal. And we can help you! Where? And on the site listed above! Help really, see for yourself!