Posts Tagged ‘technology’

Federal Public Administration

Thursday, November 18th, 2021

The OIML defines Legal Metrologia 2 as the part of the metrologia related to the resultant activities of obligator requirements as for the measurements, units of measure, instruments of measurement and methods of measurement, and the respective metrolgicos controls to be developed for competent organisms. Therefore the Legal Metrologia as the proper name suggests, depends on the establishment of legal requirements in the scope of the metrologia to assure the metrolgica guarantee (the credibility of the results of the measurement). In Brazil, the Conmetro 3, 4 is one of the agencies competent to forward normative acts and regulations technician, in the fields of the Metrologia and the Evaluation of the Conformity of products, process and services, but since that the regulations technician do not constitute object of the ability of other agencies and other entities of the Federal Public Administration. These normative acts still they must consider the content of the norms techniques adopted for the Brazilian Association of Norms Techniques – ABNT, and are related to all the goods commercialized in Brazil, the insumos, end items and services, which must be in compliance with the pertinent regulations technician in vigor. The other agency is the Inmetro 5 with attribution of the elaboration and expedition of regulations technician in the area of Legal Metrologia. Together with conveniados regional agencies it, exerts in the state jurisdictions the activities of Legal Metrologia that understand the legal metrolgico control of the measurement instruments, the supervision and the skill with sights to assure the attendance of the legal requirements in vigor, that is, since that such regulations exist. Considering of its right and point of view of the consumer, the Code of the 6 Consumer forbids offers in the consumption market, of any product or service in disagreement with the norms forwarded for the agencies competent officers and in case that these inexist, for the ones of the ABNT or of another credential entity for the Conmetro. .

Preliminary Analysis

Tuesday, August 31st, 2021

The relationship between processes and asset is factor of success in the process of Security of the Information. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out marlon brando. The used methodology can be divided in three parts: recognition, analysis and classification. The recognition collects all the information on the asset, whereas the analysis makes possible the identification the existing relationship, and the classification, as proper name suggests, verifies and classifies the type of threat. The general objective is the recovery of damages, guaranteeing the protection of the assets front the determined threats. A threat in potential directly affects the assets that more are displayed and this exposition is measured by the vulnerability degree. In such a way, the analysis of risks verifies each functional area of the organization, having to be analyzed to determine the risk in potential and the impact caused for the threats. The Analysis of Risks is the verification of the critical points that can come to present critical impediments during the determined execution of one objective one.

Being able to pontuar the main methods of analysis of risks as preliminary analysis, analysis of the imperfection human being and the analysis of the imperfections and effect, and thus, bigger attention will be devotion the analysis of the imperfection human being, with the purpose to prevent the risks, as objective of this article. The Preliminary Analysis of Risk can be considered as a carried through study superficially during the phase of conception or initial development of a new project or system, having the purpose to determine the possible risks that will be able to occur in the operational phase. It can be interpreted, therefore, as a qualitative initial analysis, be developed in the phase of project, planning and development of any process, or any product, having excellent importance in the inquiry of new systems of high innovation and/or little known. This phase ' ' preliminar' ' it offers to the results of an experience analyzing the risks and verifying if the project, or product, contains some irregularity or deficiency.


Friday, August 20th, 2021

It says on the reality each more present and important time of the technology for use of the information. The changeable nature of the documentation is in the sprouting of new digital and electronic supports, in the data that are generating information and in the information generating texts. The speed with that the information is servant, had access and transmitted using the technology is formidable, but it has resistance in the changeable nature of documents, perhaps, for having changed the direction of the time because of the speed, the production and the disponibilizao of the information, or for the necessity of bigger integration and sharing of sectors of work in team. Thus, the technology has the changeable and impactante characteristic of being and constitutes a challenge in preservation terms and conservation of documents. The author argues the technological imperative and the mutation, in basic terms of practical arquivsticos concepts and in the direction of document and original order. James Woods has much to offer in this field. While the document will be useful, it has that to be identified, to be conserved and be accessible.

Therefore, the questions of legibility, interoperabilidade, migration, maintenance of the authenticity characteristics and fidedignidade have that to be observed even though how much the document is in the electronic support. Another question argued for the author is what document can be considered and the original support in the half digital electronic and. The sprouting of ' ' metadados' ' it made to appear a interrogation and the necessity of the search in if creating and defining the authenticity, while it proves document officially recorded contemporary. Another interrogation for the author is the Tracks of Auditorship. It speaks of the difficulty of YOU in automatically deciding the authenticity of documents (registers) electronic. Therefore, beyond the technology to be an imperative, this imperative provoked changes in basic terms of practical arquivsticos concepts and of archive in the document direction and original order.

Perforation Work

Monday, August 2nd, 2021

Clearly that those professionals of the medicine could explain better what occurs with the mind human being when it sees isolated and confined in an environment far from everything. To know if you have conditions to work embarked, she verifies if she is capable of if to turn alone and if its family is capable of to make the same. Yes, why you are welcome you advance to obtain to work and its wife not to know to turn over in house, depending on you even to change a light bulb. The same thing occurs with a married woman who works on board. Perhaps if the husband not to know to cook and to take care of of the house in its absence, has difficulties for a good relationship. The embarked work requires, also, a good psychological preparation in relation to the fear. The individual must have a good dose of courage, therefore, of another form it will not obtain to exert its activities satisfactorily. This if must to the fact of the danger to be present the time all.

It is therefore that it is received risk premium. Exactly with all evolution of the security of the work, the danger was reduced, but still it is present in all our activities. Only the fact of if being on board, already we are running life danger, therefore the perforation and production require a control of the gases under pressure of the reservoir. Qnando appears a platform in the television, most of the time, sees it to we in a sea tranquilo, during the day. It occurs that storms exist and the work if of the one during 24 hours, therefore a storm with sea agitated during the dawn, is not something very pretty of if seeing. To arrive at our destination we have that to travel of helicopter or catamaran (fast boat).

Access Professor

Thursday, September 12th, 2019

In this process, the professor is the consultant, articulador, mediator and person who orientates of the development of the pupil. The creation of a reliable climate, respect to the differences and reciprocity encourages the pupil to recognize its conflicts to discover the potentiality to learn from the proper errors. In the same way, the professor will not have inhibitions in recognizing its limitations and searching its purification, in an attitude of partnership and humildade ahead of the knowledge that characterizes the position to interdisciplinar (Farm, 1994). Many are the possibilities of use of the TIC of innovative and creative form, as much on the part of the pupil, how much of the professor. It has a gamma of resources that can assist the process of education and learning, as for example: World Wide Web: The WWW is considered a virtual library and an excellent resource for the classroom; Wiki: it is a tool of colaborativa writing that stimulates the social interaction, allotment of information and construction and socialization of the knowledge.

Lists of quarrel and fruns: they serve for debate and quarrel of subjects or common subjects, sharing the interests; Webquest: investigativa activity using the Internet that guarantees to the learning the access to the authentic and brought up to date information of form colaborativa and to the educator chance to modernize the ways to make the education; Blog: It serves for register of individual research or register of the knowledge of a group, as well as of space for quarrel and reflection of pupils assisting them in the construction of the knowledge of independent and colaborativa form; Email: used for the sending of messages, exchange of information and experiences between professors, pupils and both. Hot Potatoes: formed for five tools that make possible exercises as: to complete crossed gaps, activities for short answers, words, to command phrases, association between columns. He is gratuitous for educative ends; Videoconferncia: it allows integration of geographically distant people, through the audiovisual resource. Very it is used in the study in the distance; Chat: it allows to the exchange of information and specific debates for the Internet, in real time through the rooms of beats papo. HQ: History in quadrinhos is plus a resource that can be constructed using the technology, serving of attractive for the development of the activities proposals. Beyond the cited resources above the educator still can consider the production of videos and periodicals, conceptual creation of educative radios, maps, use games of simulation, etc. Therefore, if the school will be able to reinventar and to become a learning environment where the task to argue, to analyze, to evaluate and to apply is not paper only of the professor, but of a group, where each one if alternating in the paper of professor and pupil, will be apt to satisfy most of the necessities of learning of the people.

Program Legal Police

Saturday, March 16th, 2019

The Legal Police station eliminated the imprisionaments emanteve only two cells, a feminine masculine and other, destined for spessoas imprisoned in instant that, you move after them legal, are directed paraa Polinter 8. OSetor de Inteligncia Policial (SIP) also is situated in deep the dadelegacia. The activities of this sector are to register and to collect the information to eidentificar the defendants. Aoanalisarmos the reforms infrastructures of the Program Legal Police station, we verify that they influence significantly in the form as estainstituio is perceived. New the aesthetic one is seen to give comfort to the citizen, to seem cleaner and hygienical and better conditions of work to the policemen einsinua the idea of that this new scene produces a new type of relacionamentoentre the proper policemen and between the institution and the public. In what it says respect to the changes carried through in the mbitocultural, these consist of a process of re-education in the way to act to epensar, with hours lessons, meetings and educative lectures of the principles evalores that give sustentation to the new model of police station.

The policemen who fazemparte of the program carry through professionalizing courses offered by the GrupoExecutivo and receive a gratuity of referring R$ the 500,00 fifteen horasmensais of the course. Important Umfator in the Program Legal Police station would be the presence of the Balcony Social deAtendimento, with trainees and Techniques of Social Attendance, that soPsiclogas or Social Assistants, and also in the considered Police stations doInterior, Pedagogas, that duly are trained to receive and to guide oscidados, what it would be exempting the policeman of tasks who nothing has to see eats its functions, thus being able to guarantee a bigger time for the exercise of suasobrigaes. But most important of the changes carried through, according to oex-governor Anthony Garotinho, it is the implementation of technology of informaoem all the works of the police station.

Nintendo Wii

Wednesday, December 27th, 2017

Always trying to continue innovating, bringing resources that the competitor does not offer and heating the consumption of the games. The player whom he witnessed of the Atari until the current platforms Playstation 3, Xbox360 or Nintendo Wii, did not feel directly the changes that had occurred, it only interacted following the trends and learned to always adapt it the new features that were presented to it, waiting what he would come to follow. But a player whom he only witnessed from the Playstation, when sees all the games and previous platforms, tend to find odd and if to ask as the players of the time obtained to have fun themselves. Or a person who was adolescent in the period of the Atari and followed evolving with the culture, and nowadays also sees its children being part and both share experiences, being that youngest only same with histories or through emulators they can feel the experiences that its parents had with the time games. This is the general characteristic of the culture of the games, that always is evolving and if adaptando and each new presencia adept only aspects of its generation and has difficulty to understand the aspects predecessors of the resources that it has at the moment.

3 WHO IS the VILLAIN OF HISTORY From the moment where the games if had firmed as culture, the question appeared: Until point they badly made the players. The act to play passed to be evaluated as harmful and the setting of the players as behavior many times considered as psychotic. This raises the question until point the games influence in the behavior of they play that them, considering itself that all culture brings obtains positive aspects and negative to try to understand these aspects helps to understand the behavior of the players. 3.1 When to play started to make badly.

Western Electrode

Thursday, May 11th, 2017

Welding now – is the process of melting any metal to metal fastening elements by means of welding. During this process the metal edges of the welded elements mixed in the welding seam of by heating. Let us consider more in detail the process of tig welding. For the first time this welding technology has been applied in the late nineteenth century in our country, and then was improved by Western scientists. High temperature in arc welding produced by the welding electrode in the form of an arc column. For welding electrodes or steel rod is current. Sometimes, instead of electrode used so-called welding wire, which usually melts. In the industry's most in demand for electric welding non-ferrous metals is the second method, which uses Turkish welding wire.

On what principle the process proceeds Electric? With conventional electrical cable equipment for electric welding with direct current is connected to the abutting elements, and using hot cable – to the electrode holder. A pillar of the arc lights in the interval between repeated collision and the withdrawal of the welding electrode from the seam. At the tip of the electrode temperature reaches 6,500 F, the basic metal and metal core electrode is melted to form a "puddle" of molten metal (crater). In time distribution of craters on the joints it cools, forming a strong weld. Shielding of the arc Usually, the process of electric welding is not an end. Under the action of high temperature metals have the property react with oxygen and nitrogen from the environment.

Welding seam is oxidized, resulting in joint is not reliable. It is in this regard during arc welding arc and weld closed shell of any gas – such as argon. This protection is called the screening of the electric arc and welding process, argon arc welding. In addition to isolation from the action of atmospheric oxygen, the screening also significantly improves the quality of the weld. Additional domestic welding equipment to improve the quality of welding is also desirable to use a variety of additional equipment. Welding Rectifier: apparatus required in arc welding, semi-automatic welding and argon products by alternating current. Welding transformer: additional welding equipment, used for manual welding of welding variables electrodes with alternating current products of low-carbon alloys. This device allows you to adjust the current. Welding transformer can also be equipped with manual control winding. Due to this Transformer is an indispensable manual electric welding on top of each other at a distance of welding stations, where all the time required to move from one section to another. Inverter: Welding equipment that is designed to work in a power surge when using the generators of electricity and power cables of great length. Due to the increased stability of the generated Dielectric current welding inverters are extremely easy to use and can significantly improve the quality of the weld. Also, welding inverters are capable of working in a wide range of currents under high load. This welding equipment can be be staffed guard against any possible surges, spikes from the electrode and the voltage at startup.

Western Europe

Thursday, March 9th, 2017

"Prius is not nearly approached by the sales volume to a similar diesel and petrol models of CD-and-class golf. In Later, Toyota "awarded" hybrid engines virtually the whole range of their models (including the premium brand "Lexus"). In this case, the presence of hybrids in the model number did not play directly on the increase sales, a soon to strengthen the brand image as a high-tech and reliable brand. To date, hybrids have not appeared in other brands. Is that the Honda has a domestic Japanese market, a well as the North American market. Diesel is back.

Diesel engines in terms of ecology and economy were all good until the end of the 20th century, when it was discovered that the soot in the exhaust of diesel engines otnyut least dangerous than gasoline exhaust fellows (scholars of Western Europe conducted a study that found the presence in the exhaust of diesel vehicles soot and other muck strongly contributed to the development of cancer lung disease and others). There were other drawbacks: 1) The diesel engine in your auto-sign skuperdyaystva and flashy correct to speak of car owners as well as the white shirt with tie or boring position of the boring middle managers. 2) Diesels, who came from cargo ships, trains and trucks, not fundamentally changed its character on cars. After all, what they are initially required? – To They ate cheap diesel fuel, while they ate it a little, with the drag car (regardless of whether it is empty or packed to capacity load).

Lady Carolina Herrera

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2015

In this collection, can find fashion garments for the most varied tastes, it contains long up to the ankles, and the more short skirts, just above the knee, from pants skinny, until the palazzos, and this only to mention a few characteristics of this, his new collection. The tones of colors that you have chosen CH, to give life to this collection of fashion, vary within the range of greys, Browns, purples, dark blue and emerald. The source of inspiration for this collection seem to be based on iconic Hollywood stars. Designs that highlight the woman’s silhouette, give you that as personal touch that Carolina Herrera, usually leave on your clothes. Dresses above the knee, notched jackets, blouses and shirts, skinny pants or palazzos, tube skirts, proposals that were more highlights this distinguished collection. Jackets and coats of fur, they are not absent in autumn fashion, and provide the appropriate simplicity to use some of the sets, even to go to the Office.

The suits and cocktail dresses, are simple little times seen, but why not, less distinguished. In terms of night clothes, chosen materials have been the silk, chiffon, velvet, satin, Brocade and the Jacquard knit, which are used in long evening gowns. Within this same collection, Carolina Herrera, has launched a selection of portfolios, ideal to combine with the clothes and presented sets.