If used of conscientious, responsible, critical and creative form the radio in the school it can unchain in the educators and educandos the development of abilities and abilities, since the same one is a technological apparatus that goes to offer innumerable possibilities of interaction between the individuals, is an object that information promotes and at the same time it favors integration, the practical discursiva, the development of the orality, of auto-esteem, stimulates the liberty of speech with responsibility. Certainly a radio in the school will go to redimensionar the processes and procedures that happen in the school with sights to the personal growth, collective and social of all the involved ones in the school. It is a vehicle of sonorous communication that allows a expanded reading, therefore the message although defined for a linearity locked up in the time and limited to the informative concentration in a direction, it opens inigualveis interpretativas possibilities, therefore the power of the imaginary one in the construction of mental scenes is what it imposes to the radio its reason of being. To make possible the implantation of a radio in the school it must observe the time, and the characteristics of the responsible people for its management the resources substances and financiers which the enterprise require. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Gwyneth Paltrow and gain more knowledge.. He is basic that the professors, pupils, managers, coordinators and employees of the institution jointly argue the project since its gestation, passing for the purchase of equipment, assembly, programming. She is necessary to have in mind the type of radio that if longs for, the project pedagogical politician of the school. It must define clearly the objectives that if it intends to reach, as well as the activities to be developed and socialized through the radio, the participation of all the segments, that is, of all the pertaining to school ecosystems, since the pupils until the pertaining to school leaderships or members of the community. .
Posts Tagged ‘technology’
Professors School
Sunday, June 28th, 2015Toyota Model
Tuesday, November 11th, 2014In the sequence, toyotismo and its application in the assembly plant will be presented the points most excellent of the new model of called organization FIAT of automobiles. 2.2 – Toyota model of Production the present work comes presenting, from analytical clippings of a gamma of authors, the diverse phases, lived deeply for the workers, inside of the evolutivo process of the models of organization of the production inside of the system manufacter. They had been analyzed, since the system of the manufacture, until the organizacionais insertion manufacter and its models taylorista/fordista, in century XX.
From then on, a synthesis of the studies of Ricardo will be made Antunes in what it refers to the Toyota Model of Japanese production called toyotismo. According to Antunes (2002), in the decades of 70 and 80, due to implantation of the advanced technology in the ways of production, the fordismo if mixture or it is substituted by the toyotismo. In this model, as the author observes, ‘ ‘ the production in series is substituted by one artisan model, more disconcentrated and technologically developed, producing a market more located and regional’ ‘. this basic trace in its constitution is it differentiates what it of the fordista model when (…) in contrast of the fordismo, the production under the toyotismo is come back and lead directly by the demand. The production is varied, diversified and ready to supply the consumption. Who is this determines what it will be produced, and I do not oppose it, as it is proceeded in the production in series and of mass of the fordismo, In this manner, the production is supported in the existence of the minimum supply.
Generally Air
Thursday, November 6th, 2014Tips to install the air compressor Stelo the choice of the place for installation of the Ste-lo compressor must well be planned to prevent future annoyances. 1. It reads item 2 and 3 in page 4 of the Manual of Instruction (It lowers the Manual of Instrument equipments.com.br). 2. In some cities the installation of the compressor in the bath house is forbidden by the Monitoring, by some reasons of this site is not recommended. 3.
If the ducts are entrenched to place them in the canalization, to be capable to substitute it, if necessary in the future. 4. Specific place for compressed air hoses. 5. Bore of the hose is 1/4 ‘ ‘ intern. 6.
Before binding the compressor, he removes the pallet (wood) and to place the rubber feet that are anti-vibration and levelling. 7. The temperature of air will be caught by the compressor is very important, therefore its high air density diminishes, reducing the inhaled mass being compromised the efficiency of the compressor, that is, the compressor goes to work more to compress the same one amount of air. Tips and cares – compressing of air Stole In the end of the day of work, it disconnect the breaker and to drain the tank to remove the accumulated water. Filter also drains regulator, the water cannot arrive at the filter element. Stelo compressor the amount of 135ml of oil is very small. It verifies the monthly level (item 5 of 5 pg of the instructions – click to make download of the manual here)
Generally has air emptyings compressed in the net, if the compressor to function without having that to use air, because it is leaking – Finds and eliminates it. A good form to find emptyings is to pass a water solution with soap in the connections of the air net. It looks for to have an environment of possible quieter work is not only pleasant, but also it is good for the health. However, it has places where silence is practically impossible because the used equipment, a good example is the odontolgico doctor’s office. To have an idea in a ontological doctor’s office the noise arrives the 85 decibels, noise that considered harmful to the health. But what to make when you cannot resign to these equipment? An alternative is to look devices that combine the quality of the level of possible lower noise. The exchange of devices implies benefits of an environment of quieter and more pleasant work of health. The compressor DCL + carried through Stelo this, ally with the quality known with a low level of noise in comparison with other products offered in the market. In the site you can find more compressing tips and information Del-Stelo for two and an equipment.
This month, you deliver the four compressors for consultation rooms, in the state of Rio De Janeiro, both were in the box and screwed pallets, for the security, very packed well and delivers for transporter. Left 21 of February here and it arrived back in 23 of February of 2011, both 220 volts. Of far optimum market of air compressors, everything for ontological, this compressor can be inside of the office, and work with low level of noise. Equipments store and a store that vende all Brazil, with products of quality and guarantee, NC, has some articles and the main products are vendors, ontological sterilizers, compressors and closets Haydee company.
Virtual Language
Sunday, March 23rd, 2014INTRODUCTION In the last times, more constant the technological innovations have been each time in ours day-by-day. In this context, the universe appears of the Internet, that started in 1969, in the United States, with educational intention, where researchers if connected for exchange of information, it saw email, between great laboratories of research. Soon after in 1991 the Word Wibe Web is created, in the Switzerland, that if quickly propagated for which had the whole world its versatility and topographical espacialidade, characteristic of hipertexto, texts connected for links electronic, in which ' ' The electronic writing can in such a way be how much visual a verbal representation, without limits for its desenvolvimento' '. (ARAJO, 2005, apud BOLTER, 2001, P. 36).
This innovation brings obtains each time more adepts, and in way the adequacies and improvements that start to exist in the Internet, appear the sites of relationship, as orkut, facebook, to twitter, MSN, chats, blogs and instantaneous communicators in interaction search, where internautas can interact in real time with an individual of any part of the planet and of dynamic form the simplification of the language in this new writing happens. This new language demands rapidity in its dialogues, thus objectifying to gain time without losing the information, exactly that this runs over the grammatical norms. The Internet already is part of the daily one of millions of people in this virtual universe, where the communication is made by a differentiated language, with abbreviations, as emoticons that they are a sequence of typographical characters, or also, an image, that translates or wants to transmit the state psychological, emotivo, of uses who them, by means of illustrative icons of a face expression. Hiperlink, that inside allows to the easy access between the diverse pages (navigation) and same the fast movement of a long text, and orality in the writing.
Round Table Technological Development
Saturday, March 15th, 2014The company "Alley Software" took part in the Round Table "How to lose a teenager in today's information space" – an event held in within the "safe Runet Week" February 10, 2010 in Central City Children's Library. AS Pushkin. Round table, passing with the support of the Committee for Culture of St. Petersburg, brought together representatives from public and school libraries, educational specialists community, journalists, lawyers, psychologists, and IT-specialists. The main topic of discussion was the role of cultural and educational organization in a positive and secure information (including Internet) space for children. Experts focused particular problem of Internet child safety and ways to solve it using the potential of children's libraries. Discussing the impact of the Internet as an information medium on the children and adolescents, the participants noted the passivity of adults: only a small percentage of parents taking part in online pastime child, explaining to him the rules of behavior and communication in the web, placing personal information, visiting sites with questionable content.
However, the tools for creating a safe Internet environment there, it just – for the good will of adults: a proven IT-specialists, demonstrating software means to protect and filter web-content. The theme of IT-technologies in libraries and discussed from the perspective of establishing contact with the reader. Employees TSGDB them. Pushkin introduced the technology web-publishing full text resources on the example of the book collection of publications of the war years 1941-1945. The project was completed in conjunction with the "Alley of Software." "The developed functional allows you to read the book in interesting for a child's media flash-format, providing visibility and display is as close to the real book "- says the technical director of" Alley Software "Dmitry Livotov -" Libraries in the struggle for free time children have compete with games, social networking – without a beautiful shell and informative content feedback from young readers and growing up does not work. " "Children begin to use the equipment with the most early age, mastering them, even at a more advanced level than adults. " – Says Stanislav Kim, General Director of "Alley of Software" – "However, the level of technological development as the chief librarian Head of reading (in addition to schools and parents) should match the level of the child. So that the library these days can not be passive in the use of high technology, electronic libraries or various web 2.0-services. We as a IT-company helping to organize the program and the technical part of the library, but it remains the central role of librarians as consultants. They have the most important task: diversify channels of communication with the child, to establish effective contact with them and expanding his horizons. "
Wednesday, February 19th, 2014The present chapter is divided in: Beginning of the cenografia; Palco as cenogrfico place; Scene in the TV; Cenografia in the age digital.1.2. Beginning of cenografiPrimeiramente, before treading for the trails of the study of the virtual cenografia, becomes necessary one brief chronological analysis of the development of the cenografia throughout the millenia. In including way one sees that the cenografia was born together with the spectacle, not only with the purpose to fill a space or to decorate an environment, but with the power to communicate in set with the other elements. The first spectacles with the use of scenes had been carried through in old Roman and Greek theaters e, later, in the classic presentations of ballet and opera, amongst others. ' ' The term cenografia (skenographie, that it is the made up of sken, scene and graphein, to write, to draw, to paint, to color) if finds in the texts gregos' ' (MANTOVANI, 1989, p.13).
To cover a line of referring reasoning to the origin of the cenografia and its development until the current days, he is imperious to perceive its use in the theater. For Cogniat (in REDONDO, 1964), to locate itself as apreciador of the cenogrficas productions it is to follow the development of the arts and, even though, of the technology, understanding the innovations in accordance with the effective time. ' ' In the domain of that we occupy in them, the cenografia of the Theater falls, therefore, it enters the hands of skillful manufacturers, but not knowing to renew itself for itself, nor, over all, to enveredarem for a revolutionary, analogous way to the covered one for the other arts, which, however, were closely ligados' '. (COGNIAT, in REDONDO 1964, p.88) Of the above-mentioned words of Cogniat, it is verified that the forceful one affirmation not if distance of the reality, therefore the cenografia in the theater passed for a delicate process due to renewal lack technique of the theatrical designers of this time.