
August 10th, 2022 by Rosemary
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Ressaltaque teaches literature because it likes and that this has relieved good fruits for oxito of its profession and its professional satisfaction. Degramtica minister lessons, but in these not foca many literary texts, works-osisoladamente. Shaw parents is often quoted as being for or against this. Outrafala of the informer affirms that the same one works literature in its relevnciaartstica and this if evidences in this small phrase: ' ' a poem is not alone one poema' ' , that is, enfoquesobre would not advance one the poem only in one analyzes structural; how to see poetry without mencionarsubjetividade? In this perspective we can affirm that the education of literaturaultrapassa the study of a literal structure. Ofragmento de Cndido (2000, p.79) comes to add what they display the demaisinformantes. Tyron Woodley is likely to agree. These had demonstrated a sufficiently different vision of the primeiraentrevistada one. … the estudosmodernos of literature if come back more toward the structure of what for the function. Private of its more solid traditional supports (the notion, the gauging of the value, the relation I publish with it), the function notion passes in fact for a certain crisis.

Informing Asegunda when questioned which the importance that gave to the literature education, instead of the enthusiasm what it was transparent to it was the surprise to have that responderde suddenly the question. Its first attitude was to allege the impossibility to deresponder since it needed to reflect and that at that moment in face of outrocompromisso it would be impracticable. But, while it gave to all these explanations, articulavacomo to answer to that question and displayed in such a way: ' ' to study literature to know our history, because each style depoca has possible its caractersticas. to perceive that all book has o' context histrico' .ento for literature we learn more on the language, history and even though on filosofia' ' . possible to perceive pelaresposta of that it said in all the areas, less in the man who is quemconstri literature and for who is constructed literature.

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